QiC: Marv
Date: 07/26/2023
Title: Just the two of us
Number of HIMs: 2
Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:
Waited around for more pax, then realized it’s just the two of us. Did some toe touches, trunk twists, arm circles. Once loose we headed to the turf.
Tha Thang:
On the fly – did suicides with exercises/reps at each yard line. First set:
25 yd line – 25 merkins, run back to goal line
50 yd line – 50 squats
75 yd line – 75 lbc’s
100 yd line – 100 penguins
1 set of bleachers
2nd set:
10 Carolina dry docks
20 merkins
30 squats
40 American hammers (2 count)
50 X factors (single count)
Bleacher run
Mosey back to flag
Prayers for kids going back to school and families getting back into school routine.
Sasquatch 7/29