1st F 07/21/2023 Coupon Ruck

QiC: Rapinoe
Date: 07/21/2023
Title: Coupon Ruck
Number of HIMs: 11
Flea, Flo, Joanna, Miss Bliss, Ponzi, R-12, Schrute, Sparky, Turtle

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Warmup lap around the parking lot.

Tha Thang:
3.2 mile ruck in 55:23
Avg pace- 17:18
Coupons carried: 80 # sandbag, 60# sandbag, 60# sandbell, two 45# sand Jerry cans.
Everyone took turns passing the coupons around along the route. Great Mummblechatter the whole way!

COR, NOR, pledge, prayer for RedDawn AO with loss of F3 brother!