1st F 07/17/2023 Early Birds

QiC: Salmonella
Date: 07/17/2023
Title: Early Birds
Number of HIMs: 18
Chop, Chum, Coffee Bean, Duke, Dump truck, Fresh Prince, HolyCow, Mudflap, Old Yeller, Salmonella, Shark Tank, Wild Thing

Number of FNGs: 1
Name of FNGs: Pelleta

OBT style burpee countdown from grow ruck 1, 50 LBC's trot to pain locker, while Q and holy cow mumble chatter, the impact of of leadership focus on the future eph chapter 3 vs 13 and 14, find the book ask a friend, it's time to let go…

Tha Thang:
Four corners, time to let go of the past. Forget the 64 burpees, 50 merkins, 50 right side A.erocan Hammers, 100 calf raises Richard Simmons to trash can. Corner two, 50 squats, 100 scissor kicks, strut to third 18 burpees, hallucination began, karaoke to 4th, kimchi squats, rapidly approach coupons at circle…53 curls for the girls, 53 cheat press, 20 money makers triceps skull crushers and tractor pulls of you can't get it up if you can do both.

Fresh Prince sent two down range to help the nation grow, love the spirit of the pax. If for some reason you don't have a place to go, come visit compassion – YHC gets it not what this is about but you need focus and there is no better way than relaxing with popcorn, a soda, candy and having a great explanation of facts applied to real life things. Maybe you can relate maybe in this moment you can't, it may come to you before dementia.

I forced myself not to come because I feared the pain of more loss, then I saw the only thing lost was me becoming more of a disappointment to the dead, myself gaining weight, while focused on a job that lead to the a place I finally feel at home. Two pax kept after me, not annoyingly but just enough, not to fully push me away but I had to bury ashes, I can't explain so I won't try. Can't stop, won't stop don't stop.

Salmonella returns, let's cooks some meat fellas, not the same as I wasn't left, just had to kneel focus and take care of a few 1st ripples, no was I left where I was found in 2015. You will get better, and don't ever let me beat you!

Brothers it's time to Press ON.

(I apologize for the five noted – wee bit out of shape)