QiC: Vinyl
Date: 07/08/2023
Title: Pre-anniversary
Number of HIMs: 9
Door Jam, French Press, Orange Juice, Pergo, Sakrete, ShamWow, Sweet -n -low, TestTube
Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:
Arm stretches
Leg stretches
10 TTT
20 SSH's
Tha Thang:
Mosey then 10 HR Merkins
Mosey then 30 Squats
Mosey then 10 Caroline Dry Docks
Mosey then 10 Jump Squats
Mosey to wake up Cindy. Only needed 6
3 Pax started buy 1 pulling sled, 1 carrying tube and 1 carrying sandbag, other Pax rifle carried Cindy. All walked 100 yards
While 3 Pax ran back to start and returned others did curls.
Next 3 Pax stepped up and went another 100 yards and we did squats while they ran.
They last the Pax went 100 and we went into 21's
HR Merkins one one side and WW2's on the other.
Repeated for return on Cindy but changed to everyone does the exercise at the 100 yard mark. Squats, HR Merkins, then Caroline Dry docks
Returned Cindy and sled
Pledge, Pray, and Pictures