QiC: Doobie
Date: 07/07/2023
Title: Go Long, Go Far!
Number of HIMs: 15
Coffee Bean, Doobie, Duke, Fresh Prince, LiveWire, Milkman, Mudflap, Papa Doc, Piggy Bank, Pulp Fiction, Shark Tank, Smoke, Trombone, Wild Thing
Number of FNGs: 1
Name of FNGs: Opus
Yoggin' (High Knees, Karaoke, Backwards)
Concrete Pickers
Imperial Walkers
Arm Circles
Truck Twist
High Plank (Cobra/Downward Dog/Leg Up/Shoulder Tap/Slow Merkins)
Mosey to Hurtlocker
One Cindy per HIM
Mosey to Adventure Start Point
Tha Thang:
As many LightPoles as Possible in 20 Minutes. Partner Up. Rifle Carry Cindy Every Odd LightPole, Farmer's Carry/backward run Every Even Lightpole. Start at 5 Reps, add 5 more Reps to each lightpole up to 50, then start back at 5. First LightPole, 5 ManMakers; Second LightPole, 10 Burpees. Dealer's Choice after the first two. At the end, chose left or right, one is longer.
Mosey with Brick back to Hurtlocker, return for COT.
Ps 121, I fixed my eyes on the Mountains, from where comes my Hope, my Hope comes from the Lord, Maker of Heaven and Earth! With no mountains in RH, it's a good thing we have the Lord!
Namarama, #rama.
Announcements @PapaDoc: Sign up for CSAUP Sasquatch, will be hosted in the Hill on Sat 7/29.
Praises @Doobie: Julie PreOp, Surgery 10 days away.
Prayers @CoffeeBean: Track Commander Peyton in need of healing.
Take the Day!