QiC: Trophy
Date: 07/07/2023
Title: Friday is my Day!
Number of HIMs: 4
Butterfingers, Low Tide, Papa Doc, Trophy
Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:
Stretch down middle, left, right
Lunge twists
Runners stretch
Downward dog
Warm up lap waiting on papa doc to join from EBs
Tha Thang:
Q on the fly. Head to New turf fields.
Running the lines on the old football fields
90 merkins, 10 yard and back run
80 big boy situps, 20 yard suicide
70 squats, 30 yard suicide
60 merkins, 40 yard suicide
50 big boys, 50 yard suicide
40 squats, 60 yard suicide
30 merkins…..ran out of time….
Needed another 10 minutes, but we needed to run back to AO.
On the way back, mix in some lunges, squat turns, leg kicks, sprints and super Mario's. Finish with a 50 yard all you got sprint to the finish…
SASQUATCH tomorrow, 0530 or 0600.