1st F 06/16/2023 Coupon Weather Ruck

QiC: Rapinoe
Date: 06/16/2023
Title: Coupon Weather Ruck
Number of HIMs: 7
Flea, Miss Bliss, No Fault Found, Turtle

Number of FNGs: 1
Name of FNGs: Screech

Warmup Lap around the parking lot. Lots of thunder and lightning but the rain was just a drizzle! We pressed on!

Tha Thang:
3.22 miles in 57:57
Carrying two 30# coupons among the PAX.
The bottom dropped out after the first half mile. “It was raining sideways…it was even raining up from the ground…”
Avg pace was 18:01

COR, NOR, FNG naming, Pledge, and prayer for FBCI mission team. It was awesome having Bliss’ 2.0 join us this morning, he was a trooper and rightfully deserves his F3 name and his place in the circle!