1st F 06/14/2023 Doracide to LBN

QiC: Shark Tank
Date: 06/14/2023
Title: Doracide to LBN
Number of HIMs: 20
Baby Ray, Backdraft, BCG, Brick, Coffee Bean, Doobie, Duke, Dump truck, Eleanor, Milkman, Old Yeller, Papa Doc, Pulp Fiction, Shark Tank, Smoke, The Leopard, Washout, Wild Thing

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

SSH x 20
Goofballs x 20
Runners stretch
Downward Dog

Tha Thang:
Pair up, grab Cindy, and head to Turf 2.
Pairs line up on the goal line for a modified DORA. No specific rep count, just AMRAP.
One partner completes a round of Doracides – like suicides, but at 10, 20, 30, 40 yard lines you do the associated number of burpees before you run back to the goal line. (10yd=1 burpee, 20yd=2 burpees, 30yd=3 burpees, 40yd=4 burpees). a Doracide will result in a 200 yd run and 10 burpees.
The partner at the goal line is performing reps of the following exercises:
1. Moutain Merks – Merkin and Mountain Climber combined
2. Squirrels – Squat and Curl combined
3. Low Plank Hold
4. OHP
5. Dips
6. Kettlebell Swings
7. Bonnie Blairs
8. Merk Jacks – Merkin with a jack at the bottom
9. Calf Raises
10. Cindy Pull Throughs.
Most pairs got through round 6 or 7 before time ran out and we had to head back home.

Speed for Need – next race is July 4th.
Prayers for Old Yeller's buddy Greg
Prayers for First Responders and families