1st F 05/27/2023 Rain don’t mean a thang

QiC: Mr. Miyagi
Date: 05/27/2023
Title: Rain don't mean a thang
Number of HIMs: 9
Door Jam, French Press, Pergo, ShamWow

Number of FNGs: 1
Name of FNGs: Herby

Plank with disclaimer
Five core principles
Calf stretches then into cobra 2x
Arm and leg stretches
Michael Phelps
Imperial walkers 15x IC
Don Quixotes 15x IC
TTTs 15x IC

Tha Thang:
Borrowed format from Betty Crocker and tweeked it a little bit.

Dora under the big portico in front of the church. Rain was coming down pretty good.

Pax partnered up. One partner does exercise while the other runs to the small portico and back. When the runner comes back, he continues on where the other partner doing the exercise left off. Then once the exercise is done, move on to the next exercise in the sam form and fashion.

100 merkins
200 WW1s
300 squats
400 American hammers both sides
500 calf raises

An EMOM is going on at the same time as all are doing the Dora. When the timer goes off every minute, the Pax doing the exercise does 1 burpee. At the end all did 5 burpees when the timer went off.

Then all ran a lap around the front parking lot of the church.

Safe travels for Tin Cup and his family
Pergo's mission trip to the Philippines
The birth of Door Jam's brother's baby
Fellow Pax Deuce moving

Growruck Oct. 6-8
Mini Growruck Charleston Jun 10
Murph at OG Monday 0545 stretch and 0600 start