1st F 05/25/2023 Scrambled Knockdown

QiC: _Not Registered
Date: 05/25/2023
Title: Scrambled Knockdown
Number of HIMs: 4
Patches, ShamWow

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Disclaimer, arm and legs stretch then mosey to first station
10 Tunnels then mosey to next station
10 arm circles forward and reverse the move
15 SSH then mosey to Cindy

Tha Thang:
Suicide style mosey to points in lot.
Mosey to line A did 2 Burpees then back to start and did 10 Merkins
Mosey to line B did 2 Burpees then back to start and did 10 Merkins
Mosey to line C did 2 Burpees then back to start and did 10 Merkins
You get the point.
Exercises included
10 Merkins
20 WWII's
30 Squats with Cindy
40 Curls
50 OHP's
60 SSHops

Pledge, Pray for Patches 2.0's, friends family and other Pax in area