1st F 05/19/2023 School’s out for Summer!

QiC: Mr. Miyagi
Date: 05/19/2023
Title: School's out for Summer!
Number of HIMs: 10
Bullwinkle, Dado, Door Jam, Pergo, ShamWow, Spokes

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Plank with disclaimer
One arm in the air then switch
Downward dogs and cobras
Runners stretch
10 merkins
Arm and leg stretches
TTTs- 15 IC
SSHs- 15 IC

Tha Thang:
In honor of the 2022-2023 school year, we were reviewing grades 1 through 12. We started at the first light pole.

1: 10 burpees
2: 30 American hammers IC
3: 30 merkins
4: 20 squats
5: 20 WW1s
6: 10 Colosseums
7: 20 hand-release merkins
8: 20 jump squats
9: 20 Carolina dry docks
10: 10 V-ups
11: 10 Bonnie Blairs 2-count
12: 10 8-count man makers

We started with the exercise at 1st grade and worked our way to 12th grade, doing a run to the second light pole and back in between grades.

Met back at the flag and did:
Ring of Fire with 50 merkins
Ring of Fire with 50 WW2s
Ring of Fire with 50 leg lifts with 6 inches when legs come down(Pergo came up with that one).

Ended with Indian run around the bus loop.
All of us graduated. Yay.

Prayers for Lisa Bush

Honker's Farm Ruck tomorrow
Mini Groruck in Charleston 6/10
Men's Breakfast at Countryside Baptist Church tomorrow morning at 0800