1st F 05/12/2023 There goes the Neighborhood

QiC: R-12
Date: 05/12/2023
Title: There goes the Neighborhood
Number of HIMs: 11
Bullwinkle, Dado, Door Jam, Patches, Pergo, R-12, Sakrete, Spokes

Number of FNGs: 3
Name of FNGs: Soft Shell, SportMode, McNugget

Disclaimer & Beatdown Clarifier
Michael Phelps
Tim Man’s
Arm Circles
Trunk Twists
Golfers Stretch
Hang’Em Hammy’s
Runners Stretch
Preacher Twist
Plank Stretches
Spartan Burps

Tha Thang:
Simple Beatdown. x5 exercises – x20 reps of each exercise followed by a Neck Pole Run. Rinse & Repeat for as long as time permits.
x20 – Mike Tyson’s
x20 – Bonnie Blair’s
x20 – O.H.P.
x20 – Goblin Squats
x20 – Spartan Burpees

CoR – NoR – Pledge – Prayer
Lots of things to keep in prayer. Contact Patches & Pergo for specifics.

Farm Ruck: May 20 – 0630 start

Very thankful for this group of HIM’s. Very much enjoyed kickin it with you all!