1st F 05/11/2023 3 by 2 ruckers

QiC: _Not Registered
Date: 05/11/2023
Title: 3 by 2 ruckers
Number of HIMs: 6
Betty Crocker, DQ, Gumbo, Spam, Sweet -n -low, TestTube

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:


Tha Thang:
6 for the ruck today.
SnL tested out a proper ruck pack with increased weight from his usual.
First mile all together.
Start light pole shuffling.
2 quickly became the peloton.
2 adjusted to injuries and a better pace with minimal rucking.
2 maintained the middle.

Great work, great conversations, great start to the day!

Pledge and Lord's Prayer

Prayers for Shafer family after sudden loss of the wife/mom.
Prayers for BCs mom's knee
Prayers for continued conversations with family members that need wisdom and love to help steer them back to faithful living.
Prayers for each of our marriages and roles as husbands in those.