1st F 05/11/2023 Farmer Carry Foolishness

QiC: Bogey
Date: 05/11/2023
Title: Farmer Carry Foolishness
Number of HIMs: 9
Bogey, Cheddar Biscuit, Honker, R-12, Skinny Dip, Swashbuckler, Tutti Frutti

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Disclaimer…because I look like a professional. Welcome FNG (hospital name Andrew). Push yourself, just don’t hurt yourself. If you do hurt yourself, limp back to your car in shame. And don’t sue anyone.

We also might have done these movements in no particular order. Chest opener (face down, hands behind), Michael Phelps, Moroccan night clubs, Chinooks, neck rolls, shoulder rolls, Slow Merks, Cobra, Child’s pose, Runners lunge, prayer twist, pigeon stretch, groin stretch, tutti stretch, back twist, TTT, golfer stretch, quad stretch, calf raises, etc.

Tha Thang:
Simple beatdown. Farmer carry burnout after each round of exercises.

One round consists of:

x25 Kettlebell Swings
x25 Kettlebell Merks (both hands on KB)
x25 Kettlebell Goblet Squats
x25 Spartan Burpee Jump-Overs

Next, pick up two KBs or a sandbag in one hand and a KB in the other. Strive for the heaviest weight you can carry. Proceed around the tree of life to the second stop sign at end of the road and turn around.

Rinse and repeat through the four exercises again. All PAX got through at least two rounds.

Cooldown/Mary with a few of these rapid fire: elf on a shelf, rosalitas (bad girls), infinity’s, box cutters, Australian snow angels, x-men crunches, WWI’s, heels to heaven (fro style), Freddie Merks

AAR: some said less KB swings, some said rep count was good. But we all agreed that a farmer carry penalty was needed. So every time you had to put the weight down during the farmer carry burnout you had to do a penalty movement. Yikes. Also, less complaining about the playlist too.

Fonker Ruck on May 20. It’s coming up soon. Put your big boy britches on.

"God is love: He is the unifying, binding force whose will is to join us to himself in the greatest possible intimacy." MADE FOR LOVE, LOVED BY GOD, Fr Peter John Cameron O.P

Privilege to lead the beatdowns this week!
Pledge, pray, and on our way!