QiC: Pergo
Date: 05/09/2023
Title: Guts and glutes
Number of HIMs: 10
French Press, Mr. Miyagi, Orange Juice, Patches, Sakrete, Sweet -n -low, TestTube, Tin Cup, Vinyl
Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:
Plank with disclaimer/ 5 core principles/ mission/ credo
Runner stretch
More planking in different positions
Then holding Al Gore and doing a merkin every time you here “get lucky” while listening to, Get Lucky by Daft Punk.
Tha Thang:
Line up at the fence and sprint to the island and do 3 burpees. Rinse and repeat for 9 islands.
Then circle up where each pax had an opportunity to call a Mary exercise.
Round 1 timer was a pax doing 15 squats while holding a 15# dumbbell in each hand and raising it to shoulder height with each squat.
Round 2 timer was holding a 40# sandbag and doing 20 step ups on the box.
Finished with everyone holding 1minute plank
CoR and NoR – Ranch style
Pledge and pray
Each man was better (physically, mentally and spiritually)
Several pray request.