1st F 04/28/2023 Flashbacks

QiC: Flo
Date: 04/28/2023
Title: Flashbacks
Number of HIMs: 2

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

I had flashbacks of the start of the Lake Mayer AO. When it was normal to only have 2 pax show up.

Tha Thang:
Kirby and I contemplated enacting the 2 man rule. But we pushed forward and ran the Parker’s loop.

All you fartsackers be prepared for the wrath of Coach on Monday.

Prayers for Father Firmin, the Hazeltine family, those traveling this weekend, and those not here today.

Praises for Kirby and his M celebrating 24 years of marriage on Monday!

The challenge has been made by Skinny to visit other AO’s, and take a Q there. Let’s embrace this and get out to meet other pax, reach out to those that we haven’t seen lately, and continued to invite new guys to F3.