QiC: TestTube
Date: 04/11/2023
Title: Bearly Circling the Drain
Number of HIMs: 7
French Press, Patches, Pergo, ShamWow, Sweet -n -low, Tin Cup
Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:
Plank, right arm up, left arm up, downward dog into cobra, Shoulder Taps, through the tunnel, Moroccan night clubs, chinooks, Michael Phelps, Calf Raises
Run around church to the front and back to the flag.
Tha Thang:
Pair up, Start at the drain, everyone bear crawl in a circle around the drain then as a pair choose a station to run to, complete the 2 exercises splitting rep count, run back to drain complete one bear crawl circle and run to the next station, complete exercises run back to bear crawl around drain etc.
Station 1: Murder Bunny down and back cone to cone
Station 2: 60 OHP / 60 WW2
Station 3: 60 Carolina Dry Docks / 60 Grave Diggers
Station 4: 60 Curls / 60 Tricep Ext
Announcements: Taco Ruck, Farm Ruck, Convergence
Prayers: French Press’s mother in law, Sweet n Low’s family, Samantha, my mom, and Patches’s daughter.
@pergo said an extra special prayer for @sakrete
We were also all thankful @pergo laid off the deviled eggs the night before