1st F 03/29/2023 A little grind to start the day

QiC: Skinny Dip
Date: 03/29/2023
Title: A little grind to start the day
Number of HIMs: 9
Cornhole, DJ Scribbles, Fauci, Flo, Hot Pocket, Puff, Skinny Dip, Spread Eagle, Tiny Tim

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

On this day in 1973, the last US troops depart Vietnam and the MACV command shuts down.
Worlds greatest stretch with pigeon and cossack stretch. Tin soldiers 10x each leg

Tha Thang:
First set:
30x Spartan burpees
40 ft walking lunge
40 ft crawl bear (reverse) back to statrt point
200m run (at turn around point 5x burpee broad jumps)
Rinse and repeat for 15 minutes

Second set:
Around the circle there are stations for all.
1) Farmers carry KBs around the circle (20KG and 24kg)
2) 10x mericans and 10x slam balls (15lbs)
3) 5L/5R bear push up with sit through
4) 10L/10R Curtsy lunge
5) 20x box jumps (park bench)
5) 5x wall walks (gate)
Rinse and repeat until time called (16 minutes)

Third set:
Line up behind the cones
Jingle jangles relay (5 m down and back – 6 times) – run down and back. Everyone else doing plank jacks.

22 April is 1st anniversary of the Skidder. Workout, booze, and food. TBD all the other details
31 March time is 530 pm but may be able to stsrt early at the Back river brewery on Tybee. May go to Rock house after (arcade)
Countarama, Namearama, pledge