1st F 03/24/2023 Arm Day, Take a Step Back to Go 2 Steps Forward

QiC: TestTube
Date: 03/24/2023
Title: Arm Day, Take a Step Back to Go 2 Steps Forward
Number of HIMs: 8
Cropduster, DQ, Octagon, Radar, Sweet -n -low, Uhaul, Wheelie

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:


Warm Up
Plank, downward dog into cobra, Shoulder Taps, mountain climbers, through the tunnel, Moroccan night clubs, chinooks

5 burpees for late arrival

Tha Thang:
Started off on our six: Hammers, Flutter Kicks, Leg Lifts, LBC’s, and Freddie Mercs

Warrior Run to get Cindy

I didn’t get much of an arm workout this week so
Pre Blast included:

Welcome to the Gun Show

Take a Step back to go 2 Steps Forward

Stop 1: 5 burpees

Carry Cindy to Stop 2: 20 Curls

Leave Cindy, Run back to Stop 1: 5 burpees

Run back to Cindy, pick her up carry onto Stop 3: 20 Tricep Extensions

Carry back to Stop 2: 20 Curls

Carry onto Stop 4: 20 OHP

Carry back to Stop 3: 20 Tricep Extensions

Carry Cindy to Stop 4, leave Cindy. Run to Stop 5: 5 Burpees

Run back to Cindy @ Stop 4: 20 OHP

Carry onto Stop 6: 20 Curls

Leave Cindy and run back to Stop 5: 5 burpees

Run back to Cindy, pick her up and continue to Stop 7: 20 Tricep Extensions

Back to Stop 6: 20 Curls

Carry through to Stop 8: 20 OHP

Carry back to Stop 7: 20 Tricep Extensions

Carry Cindy all the way to Stop 1: 20 Carolina Dry Docks, thank you DQ for the full demonstration.

Carry Cindy to Stop 2: 20 Merks

Carry Cindy back to Stop 1: 5 burpees

Put Cindy to bed.

Typing out the exercise was more complicated than the actual exercise.

Sweet n Low Referred to this as the Dish Washer of Rinse and Repeats

LATHER, Rinse and Repeat – Cropduster

New rule from Site Q: 5 burpees for early leaving

April 22 Island taco ruck

May 20 Honker fest

Prayers for Sweet n Low’s friend who has cancer