QiC: Skinny Dip
Date: 03/14/2023
Title: Living it up on the islands
Number of HIMs: 10
CPAP, Flea, Puff, Rapinoe, Skinny Dip, Sparky, Turtle
Number of FNGs: 1
Name of FNGs: Sweetheart
Mosey around and demonstrate the exercises
Side to side cosack stretch, worlds greatest stretch, left arm up, right arm up, pigeon stretch, downward facing dog with calf stretch, cobra stretch, standing hamstring stretches
Tha Thang:
Split the group into 5 HIMs. One group started at lunges and the other at the Cindy swings
5x L/R lungster with cindy (lunge and then thrust cindy)
5x thrusters
5x leg tucks
5x pull ups
Power skips 20 yds
Backwards jog 10 yds
5x spartan burpees (up downs)
Jog 10 yd
5L/5Rx cindy swingg
10 yd Jog
5x burpee broad jumps
6x alligator mericans
Sprint 15 yards
5x squat jumps
20x walking lunges
5x mericans
Jog back to pull up bars
Rinse and repeat
Group completed 2.5 rounds and some completed 3 rounds
Pledge, Namearama (forgot counterama)
Named FNG Sweetheart (20 yrs plus to HS sweetheart from savannah). In medical profession. Turtle EHd him.
Q provided him with a copy of freed to lead
Discussed significance of this past weekend….11 March 1942. GEN MacArthur ordered to leave Corrigidor and head to Australia. He received an MOH????? Political as Japanese and Germans called him a coward for leaving while 78000 plus Americans and Philippine Soldiers continued to fight until 9 April. When MG Edward King surrendered. 10000 US/Phillipine Soldiers die on the 65 mile march to Camp Odonnell. Terrible conditions.