QiC: Pergo
Date: 03/08/2023
Title: Bear Necessities
Number of HIMs: 5
Bullwinkle, Door Jam, Patches, TestTube
Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:
Plank w/ disclaimer, core principles and mission
LBAC ic forward and backward
Chinooks ic forward and backward
21’s (penalty did occur)
Tha Thang:
15 curls IC
Bear Crawl ring of fire – bear crawl once around do 1 merkin, bear crawl once around do 2 merkins, up to 5
20 curls IC
Bear inch worm – pax get a line, last pax bear crawls to the front, repeat over and over until reaching desired location
Bear crawl burpees – 1 burpee with 4 bear crawl until you reach desired location
Bear and blocks – bear crawl while dragging your food (Cindy) to desired location. Then we drug our food back across just fun.
25 curls in cadence
We threw in some LBC’s (little bear crunches)
Then some Mary
Box cutter’s Colosseum style
Freddie Mercs
Gas pumpers
COR and NOR with burpees
Pledge and Pray