1st F 03/07/2023 No Rest For The Weary

QiC: Rapinoe
Date: 03/07/2023
Title: No Rest For The Weary
Number of HIMs: 11
Cardone, CPAP, Joanna, Lady Chablis, No Fault Found, Ponzi, Puff, Sparky, Turtle

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

SSH in Cadence, Lunging Elbow to the floor-2 per side, Inchworm to Downward dog through to upward dog- twice. Mosey to the Cindy stack and back to the shovelflag with your Cindy.

Tha Thang:
Phase 1: 15 Merkins, 15 Cindy Lat Pullovers, 10 Cindy swings- repeat for a total of 3 times

Phase 2: 15 Thrusters, 15 Cindy Lunges HC, 10 Squat Jumps- repeat for a total of 3 times

Phase 3: 15 Shoulder Taps HC, 15 Nolan Ryan’s/ side, 10 Peter Parker’s HC- repeat for a total of 3 times

Cash out: Grab your Cindy and 4 big laps for a mile “Ruck” on the end!

Pledge, Prayers to be the men of integrity we need to be for our families first and then the others we contact. GoRuck weekend in Sav. Basic on Friday, STARs on Saturday, Speed for Need coming up in April.