1st F 02/24/2023 Here comes the Caravan!

QiC: Mr. Miyagi
Date: 02/24/2023
Title: Here comes the Caravan!
Number of HIMs: 6
Door Jam, Fabuloso, Pergo, R-12, TestTube

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Various arm and leg stretches
Trunk twists

Tha Thang:
We left the flag and moseyed down Rogers Street, stopping at random street lights to help keep everyone together…..some held plank until all were accounted for. At one street light, we did 10 merkins OYO.

We kept moving until we arrived at the rec department parking lot. We did a burpee at each parking spot, totalling 16 spots, then we bear-crawled the same path. Next we did resurrection cockroaches, LBCs, side straddle hops, mountain climbers, and monkey humpers, all 20x IC.

We left from there to make our way back to the flag, stopping at random street lights to keep everyone together. Again, we did 10 merkins OYO at a street light. We made it back just in time, covering about 2 miles.

-for Lisa Bush and Trevor with the gillain-Barre syndrome, and their families
-for Patches daughter still recovering from surgery
-for Sakrete to get over his back issue

Prayer walk for Lisa Bush at Baker's Pond in Springfield from 9 to 12 on Saturday (tomorrow).

This morning, as I started to lead the men, I found myself not making sure that everyone was together. As part of invigorating men, not only in F3 but in everyday life, we do not want to leave any man behind. We want to help each other be better men in our communities and our families. We all need some help and a push.