1st F 02/14/2023 Fit as a Mason

QiC: Ponzi
Date: 02/14/2023
Title: Fit as a Mason
Number of HIMs: 13
CPAP, Flea, Flo, Ichiro, Joanna, Khaki, Lady Chablis, No Fault Found, Ponzi, Rapinoe, Red Ryder, Splinter, Turtle

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Arm Circles
5 Burpees

Tha Thang:
Most to Cindy stack and partner up.
Pax 1: Farmer Carry to cone and back
Pax 2: 10 merkins, 10 wide merkins, 10 alternating merkins

Pax 1: 20 Lawnmowers each arm
Pax 2: Rifle carry to cone and back

Pax 1: 20 Cindy swings
Pax 2: rifle carry

Pax 1: 20 figure eights
Pax 2: rifle carry

Pax 1: 20 u-hauls
Pax 2: rifle carry

Mosey to leg lane in parking lot (4 cones)
1 – walking lunges
2 – side lunges
3 – other side lunges
4 – walking lunges
50 squats

Circle up for: 10 tuck jumps, 15 walk out merkins, 20 lunges, 25 knee repeaters, 30 dips

Mosey to yard for Tunnel of Love.

Mosey to flag for a long Marry.

Announcements, Pledge, Prayer