QiC: Sakrete
Date: 01/30/2023
Title: The Cardiac
Number of HIMs: 8
Betty Crocker, Bogey, Door Jam, Patches, Pergo
Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:
Hanging stretch to discuss disclaimer, music and asphalt
Runners stretch to right and left
Flamingo stretch- PAX count to 10 around circle each leg
15 LBAC forward and reverse IC
15 big arm circles forwards and reverse IC
15 Over head clap IC
3 burpees for police without lights on
Tha Thang:
Gather at first light pole with giant blue tooth speaker
The Cardiac:
5 merkins
10 squats
15 wide merkins
20 LBCs
10 burpees
Run down 2 light poles (neck neck pole) and back
Rinse and Repeat until time called (0543)
To honor BCs birthday gathered back at flag and circled up with arms draped over PAX shoulders beside us
41 calf raises IC-called by BC
Lot of complaints about the music especially after flipping to 2000s hip hop on Pandora. 4th F was heavily present
Spoke to Mr Jarvis (Two Lap Teddy if he ever accepts our invite)
Announcements-Ruck opportunity 2/18. Pay attention to SLACK for details
Prayers for Patches daughter upcoming surgery
Challenge by Pergo- be kind to people around you. Never know what folks are going through
Pray-on our way