QiC: Sakrete
Date: 01/25/2023
Title: Deck O Cards Arm burner
Number of HIMs: 6
Door Jam, Fabuloso, Mr. Miyagi, Patches, Pergo
Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:
Plank to discuss core principles, mission statement, and disclaimer
20 merkins OYO
*leave arms up until instructed to drop
15 LBAC forward IC
15 LBAC reverse IC
15 over head clap IC
15 Moroccan night clubs IC
Flamingo stretch each leg (pull one leg behind to stretch quads) 15 PAX count
Tha Thang:
Wake Cindy up and gather at flag
Virtual deck of cards- Spades= Over head press; Clubs=curls for the girls; Diamond= tricep extension; Hearts= chest presses
Reps were determined by card drew (minimum rep is 5 so 2-4 were also 5 reps). J=11 Q=12 K=13 Ace=14
Ace and twos are wild cards. Each time they pop up do reps and then run down to second tree and do 25 calf raises and run back (first two trips down were 50 reps but adjusted for time)
Jokers was a jailbreak across the grass to the other side of loop and back
Made it through entire deck
Rifle Carry cindy home
Burpees during Namarama (2 for all RESPECT)
Prayers for Patches friend whose boss passed away ; Prayers for Patches daughter with upcoming surgery; Praise for DJs sister in law and new baby
Pledge- Pray
YHC issued a challenge that was issued by our pastor. Find a person in your life and share your faith. If we can change one life then we have done our job
On our way!