3rd F 01/21/2023 Speed For Need -Mcallister and Project SEARCH

QiC: Coffee Bean
Date: 01/21/2023
Title: Speed For Need -Mcallister and Project SEARCH
Number of HIMs: 13
_Not Registered, Beads, Chum, Falcon9, Flat Tire, Hobby Lobby, Mr. Woodcock, Swabbie

Number of FNGs:
Name of FNGs:


Tha Thang:
Speed for Need made their presence known at 2 events. Falcon9, Flattire, and Hobby Lobby at the Effingham Co SEARCH event and Beads, Chum, John C, YHC, Mr. Woodcock, Swabbie at the McAllister Race with Teams Cooper, Regina, Callie, Cameron.
It was a cool morning, but the TCs got things heated up quickly. The Anthem singer even had a backup section in the race chairs. There were too many smiles and laughs shared throughout the race to count all while the Track Commanders pushed us to keep up the pace. Speed for Need "Who pushes who?