QiC: Door Jam
Date: 01/14/2023
Title: Hot potato stations
Number of HIMs: 6
Door Jam, Mr. Miyagi, Patches, Sakrete, Sweet -n -low, TestTube
Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:
Runner's stretch
Tutti stretch
Toe touch
Penalty burpees for Saktrete being late 5 OYO
Imperial walkers 20 IC
Get Cindy out of bed
Tha Thang:
4 stations set up around the lot with a weinke at each. Move as directed to the next station, do 5 burpees and the do the exercise corresponding to the lap you're on (first lap, first exercise; second lap, second exercise, etc)
Sprint to Station 1:
1. 50 merks
2. 50 dips
3. 50 mountain climbers
4. 25 colosseums
Sumo squat to Station 2:
1. 50 air squats
2. 100 calf raises
3. 30 jump squats
4. 50 curb jumps (this is the farthest anyone got)
Bernie to Station 3:
1. 100 LBCs
2. 25 LBFCs
3. 40 WWI
4. 50 gas pump
Lunge to Station 4 (where Cindy stayed):
1. 75 curls
2. 50 KB swing
3. 50 OHP
4. 30 lawnmowers
Adding to this was the "hot potato" – a 50lb sandbag that was not allowed to touch the ground. Pax rotated it around with the idea that it would go to the next Pax to leave a station; it didn't quite work as planned but could use further development. High rep counts worked well though.
Return Cindy and circle up at flag.
Superman hold ~1 min
Gas pumpers 20 IC
Prayers for BC on his travels, and for Vinyl and Shamwow
Prayers for Garmin's family and YHC's SiL as they are expecting babies
PACK event next Saturday at 1100
Landings ruck next two Saturdays
Be thinking of shirt ideas
Looking to start Tues and/or Thurs here at the Ranch