1st F 11/25/2022 Post-Thanksgiving Turkey Trot

QiC: Mr. Miyagi
Date: 11/25/2022
Title: Post-Thanksgiving Turkey Trot
Number of HIMs: 5
French Press, Mr. Miyagi, Patches, Pergo, Sweet -n -low

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Right hand reach in the air in plank
Left hand reach in the air in plank

Tha Thang:
Started the trot off at the flag and went down Rogers Street. Stopped to do 20 merkins OYO. Continued on and came up to the "Bear Crawl Bridge" and bear crawled across. Moved on to the next stop and did 20 WW1 single count together. Continued on to the next stop and did 20 slow-count squats IC and moved on to City Hall. At City Hall, at the bottom step we did Around the world merkins 10 IC each direction, bearcrawled up the steps to the top, did 20 monkey humpers IC and crawl beared back down the steps and started our way back down Rogers Street. We made the same stops along the way back – 10 slow count squats, 10 WW1 single count together, came to the "Bear Crawl Bridge" and did one burpee, bear crawled across and did one burpee on the other side, 20 merkins OYO at the last stop and made it back to the flag.

Good to have Sweet-n-Low and French Press join us this morning.
Announcements about the Bridge Run with S4N, Growruck in Oct. 2023.
Prayers for fellow F3ers traveling this weekend.
Sweet-n-Low reminded us about accountability and how important it is for us men as we battle everyday issues. Having an accountability partner is someone that everyone should have in their lives