QiC: Patches
Date: 11/23/2022
Title: T is for Turkey
Number of HIMs: 3
Mr. Miyagi, Patches, Pergo
Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:
Triple T’s
Plank w dive and Disclaimer
Right over left
Left over right
Mosey around bus loop to grab Cindy
Tha Thang:
A Turkey was hand crafted with 12 feathers. Each feather had an exercise on the back. After I accidentally called 911, HIM’s took turns plucking a feather and completing the exercise. After completing exercise, cones were set up in the shape of a letter T. Each HIM had to sprint across the bus ramp, side bear crawl to the left, run a suicide, side bear crawl to the right, and sprint back to the starting point to pluck another Turkey feather and repeat the process. Exercises included- 25 calf raises on block, 25 flutter kicks with block in air, 25 WW1’s, 25 incline merkins, 15 blockees, 25 KB swings, unplucked feathers- 25 curls, 25 front lifts, 25 OHPs, 25 dips, and 25 leg lifts with block. We scalped the bird pretty good but ran outta time, few feathers still intact. He who eats the most Turkey will eat the most feathers.
Announcements- need for speed, Flag football, Grow Rick in Oct.
Prayer needs- our country, my aunt recovering from surgery, and for all the men in F3 to be the godly men, fathers, husbands, that we are called to be.