QiC: Door Jam
Date: 11/16/2022
Title: Exploring with Dora
Number of HIMs: 4
Door Jam, Mr. Miyagi, Patches, Pergo
Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:
Leg stretch and disclaimer
Don Q 11 IC
Chinooks 12 IC, reverse 12 IC
During all this we learned that Pergo was Sanders's bus driver this week.
Tha Thang:
Sakrete was not present so the original plan was shelved and an alternate substituted.
Mosey to the side lot for a Dora. Pax 1 worked on 100 WWI, 200 merkins, and 300 squats while the other Pax ran to the other side of the lot and completed 2 burpees.
Mosey to the pullup bars.
4 sets of 5 pullups and 20 LBCs.
Mosey back to flag.
Failure to launch – all Pax hold a squat while one Pax counts down from 10. At zero, all Pax jump. Idea is to continue till someone doesn't jump. After 10 rounds we were lightheaded so moved on to Mary.
Flutters 25 IC
LBFC 10 IC (Pergo)
Hammers 25 IC (Miyagi)
Boxcutters 15 IC (Patches)
CoR, NoR with burpees
Patches's aunt with surgery today
Praise for Chris's successful brain surgery
Peego has the Q Friday, 3 year anniversary