1st F 11/07/2022 38 never felt so great!

QiC: Mr. Miyagi
Date: 11/07/2022
Title: 38 never felt so great!
Number of HIMs: 4
Mr. Miyagi, Patches, Pergo, Sakrete

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Downward dog then to cobra
15 IC TTTs
15 IC Don Quixotes
15 IC Imperial walkers
15 IC Hillbillies
15 IC Moroccan night clubs
15 IC Little baby arm circles
15 IC Seal claps
15 Overhead claps

Tha Thang:
I t is my birthday today so I had a birthday party.There are 4 cones spread out evenly throughout the bus loop. Each cone has a set of exercises. Each PAX starts at the first cone, does the set of exercises and farmer carries a cindi to each cone and does the exercises as he goes around the bus loop.

Cone 1:
3 burpees
38 hand release merkins
8 Colosseums

Cone 2:
3 burpees
38 American hammers IC
8 Colosseums

Cone 3:
3 burpees
38 dips
8 Colosseums

Cone 4:
3 burpees
38 WW2
8 Colosseums

We had time at the end to do one round of Mary.
38 – slow leg lifts from Pergo
38 – LBCS from Sakrete
6 inches – 38 IC from Patches
38 – flutter kicks from Mr. Miyagi

Prayers for:
Patches aunt having surgery
Sakrete's friend's mom passing away
Sakrete's wife having tests done
Church member of Pergo and Miyagi, their granddaughter having surgery.
Speed for Need at bridge run
Growruck set for next October
Football game/ workout on the 26th
Coffee and donuts afterwards