1st F 11/05/2022 Farmers Grip

QiC: Vinyl
Date: 11/05/2022
Title: Farmers Grip
Number of HIMs: 8
Clog, Flipper, Sakrete, ShamWow, Sweet -n -low, Tebow, Volunteer

Number of FNGs: 1
Name of FNGs: Volunteer

Into and disclaimer while doing shoulder stretches.
10 Though the tunnels IC
15 Forward Baby Arm Circles IC
15 Backward Baby Arm Circles IC

Tha Thang:
Mosey to pick up 2 Cindy’s then gather in parking lot near fire pit.
Sting of pearl style workout with 8 stations then rinse and repeat in reverse. Double arm farmers carry between stations.
Stations 1-8 20 reps each
Stations 8 back to 1 10 reps each
Station Exercises as follows
1) Burpee’s
2) Merkins
3) Plank Shoulder Taps L + R = 1
4) Goblet Squats
5) Push Press
6) KB Swings
7) We’re not worthy’s
8) Curls – Was combined to 30 in a row

Circle of Abs – Alt V Ups, LBC’s, WWII, Plank, Box Cutters, Flutter Kicks, WWI

Speed for need , Clog and Sweet-n-low’s daughters and their pregnancy, Pax out of town, friends and family.