1st F 10/31/2022 Heavy Reps Constant Movement

QiC: Sakrete
Date: 10/31/2022
Title: Heavy Reps Constant Movement
Number of HIMs: 5
Door Jam, Mr. Miyagi, Patches, Pergo, Sakrete

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

LBAC forward while giving disclaimer.
Overhead claps IC
TTT position hanging in middle to stretch Hamstrings.
Flamingo stretch (one leg planted other pulled behind)- do same with opposite planted
Don Quixote

Tha Thang:
Take a lap around the bus loop. Mosey to second light pole. Sumo squat 1/2 way and Bernie Sanders to third pole. Continue pattern until last pole. Best effort to the flag.
Grab block and meet back at first pole.
20 curls for the girls
20 tri cep extension
20 OHP
Run opposite direction around loop to last light pole.
50 Calf raises
Lt Dan half way across the field. Bernie Sanders remaining back to 1st pole. 25 squats
25 of each block exercise.
Run to second from last pole. 50 calf raises. Lt Dan half way across field and Bernie Sanders remaining distance to 2nd light pole. 25 squats mosey back to first pole.
30 of each block exercise
Run to third from last pole. 50 calf raises. Lt Dan half way across field and Bernie Sanders remaining distance. 25 squats. Mosey from third pole back to first pole.
25 of each block exercise and stow Cindy.

15 WW1 on Q.

Prayers for patches family members dealing with cancer. Prayed for Miyagi and Pergo as they tackle star course in Jacksonville this weekend.

Need4Speed and expo first weekend in December.

On our way