1st F 10/19/2022 Roll On

QiC: Sweet -n -low
Date: 10/19/2022
Title: Roll On
Number of HIMs: 10
Bueller, French Press, Geico, Gumbo, Little Annie, Radar, Spam, Sweet -n -low, TestTube

Number of FNGs: 1
Name of FNGs: Chunks

Plank / disclaimer, merkens, TTT’s, SSH’s-11, +5 burpees,
Mikey Phelps, Chinooks

Indigenous run was fun and warmed us up.
We had fun picking Cindy up and taking her home as stated below. We carried her like a rifle, farmer, curled her, and more.

Tha Thang:
Workout was –
Red dice is the number of reps (times 10),
except back which is times 4.

Blue dice is the body part:

1. Chest: merkins, Derkens
2. Shoulder: OHP, urworthies
3. Arms: curls, triceps
4. Legs: squats, lunges
5. Back: pull-ups, chin-ups
6. Abs: v-ups, WW2s

Run 1/2 lap on even dice total
Run 1 lap on odd number total

Indian run to Cindys
Alternating disciplines on return of Cindys

Actual workout was a lot of squats, curls, Merkins, pull-ups, rows,
And we finished with some WW2’s.

F3 Ranch Saturday, Ruck tomorrow, need Q Friday
Chunks is a welcome addition – a grappler from SEHS
Annie’s wife Shellie – baby due Jan 1
My daughter, Mallie & Jamie, one month from today – due date
Brady family – grieving and physical recovery
3 surgeries – Hudson,Bates,Clements
Quentin – deceased baby
God of vengeance and also forgiveness.