1st F 09/26/2022 Monday Murph

QiC: Honker
Date: 09/26/2022
Title: Monday Murph
Number of HIMs: 8
Betty Crocker, Cropduster, Door Jam, Gumbo, Honker

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:


Tha Thang:
We Murph'd. Some with weight. All are better for it.

R-12 showed up late and ran it solo.

Tutti, Bogey, and R-12 took credit on an Underground backblast, so left them off this list, but not the total count.

Gumbo and Tutti got popped in the eye by a pull-up assistance band. Guess we should all strive to stop using those bands as quickly as possible.

4 of 8 moved onto Pooler OG workout led by Sweet N Low. It sucked.