1st F 09/07/2022 Early 9/11 workout – climbing 37 floors (777 steps)

QiC: Skinny Dip
Date: 09/07/2022
Title: Early 9/11 workout – climbing 37 floors (777 steps)
Number of HIMs: 9
Beaver, Flo, Joanna, Kirby, Skinny Dip, Spread Eagle, The Situation

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Head, neck, arm, trunk, knee/ankle rotations . Grab a cindy and meet up at the picnic tables
Talked about BN Chief Orio Palmer. First firefighter to get to floor 78 of South Tower World Trade Center on 9/11. Climbed 37 flights with over 56 lbs of gear. He and his team of firefighters saved hundreds of people by directing them to the south side stairwell due to the north side stairwell being compromised. He and 343 firefighters lost their lives along with over 2600 others in NYC, the Pntagon and Pennsylvania. Honor them.

Tha Thang:
Partner workout.
One man 25 Four count Flutter kicks then 5 R/5 L Turkish getup with cindy (if can't lift the cinder block do air Turkish getups).
One man with 50 to 60 pound sandbag does step ups on to picnic table.
Once man doing get ups finishes he then swaps with partner doing steps ups.
Goal as a group to get to 777 steps achieved.
Executed this for 35 minutes. With 2 minutes remaining, Stopped everyone, one partner grabs sandbag and cindy and runs to light pole and then swaps with partner who returns with sandbag and cindy (about 75 meters).
Run back to flag with cindys.

Discussed what 9/11 means to me. My life was drastically changed as a result. Mother was in adjacent ring when the plane hit the Pentagon. She lost friends and coworkers. I did several deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan. Our country was changed.
I ask that everyone take time to talk to the kids and families about 9/11. If possible go to ground zero one day. It is powerful and emotional. But most importantly never forget the men and women who perished on 9/11/2001.