1st F 08/26/2022 Ebony and Ivory

QiC: noodles
Date: 08/26/2022
Title: Ebony and Ivory
Number of HIMs: 4
Falcon9, Huckleberry, noodles, Quikrete

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

IC SSH, IMW, Plank disclaimer, Mountain Climbers

Tha Thang:
Grabbed Cindy and borrowed from sick stricken @Sherman-Chess Q. No Trivia but great tunes from @Falcon9.
On their turn each Pax pull a chess piece blind from bag . Ebony- Double Rep count- Ivory two burpees then Rep. Each pax pulled- all took a lap-
Pawn-10 merk
Rook 10 SQT
Knight 10 curls
Bishop- Pax called Mary
Queen-15 OHP
King -20 SSH
Fun to know- the pawns fell as intended- there were a lot of Merks
Put Cindy back and ran to the flag – for a round of Mary

Pledge- Prayer