1st F 07/11/2022 Monday Circles @ the OG

QiC: Honker
Date: 07/11/2022
Title: Monday Circles @ the OG
Number of HIMs: 10
Betty Crocker, Dado, Doughboy, DQ, Flat Tire, Gumbo, Quikrete, Sweet -n -low

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Don – Coyotes
Mosey to the pull up bars

Tha Thang:
Had the back lot laid out with 6 stations.
Station one Pull up bar
Far Corner Burpees
Mid Island Squat Thursters
Next Corner Hands off Merks
Next Corner Burpees
Mid Island Squat Thursters
Back to Pull Up bars.

That Thang.
Perform 6 reps at each station.
6 Pull ups then run to far corner, Perform 6 Burpees. Run backwards to Mid island.
Perform 6 Squat Thursters at Mid Island, Bear Crawl to next Corner, Perform 6 Hands Off Merks.
Run to next Corner Perform 6 Burpees, Run backwards to Mid island
Perform 6 Squat Thursters at Mid island, Bear Crawl to pull up bars.
Rise & Repeat for 20 Minutes.
4 rounds of Mary and we be done.
Mosey back the the Flag.

Pledge and Pray.
All better for it.
If was easy and fun, Never mess a Monday