QiC: Cheddar Biscuit
Date: 05/11/2022
Title: Rican 68 🇺🇸
Number of HIMs: 6
Bogey, Cheddar Biscuit, Mr. Miyagi, Shank, Tutti Frutti, Wash-out
Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:
Quick warm up as we had a lot to do…
-Michael Phelps 15X
-Raise the roofs 15X
-Moroccan night clubs 15X
Tha Thang:
Explained that we would be completing the Rican 68 memorial workout. The Rican 68 was a C130 traveling from Puerto Rico to Arizona to officially retire it. On May 2nd, 2018 the plane crashed onto Hwy 21 in Garden City killing the 9 Guardsmen on board.
– 1/2 mile run (we ran a loop and a half which ended up at the bus loop)
– 68 curb jumps
-68 Mountain Climbers
-68 OHP W/ Cindy
-68 Merks
-68 squats
-68 butterfly WW2’s
-68 KB’s
-68 Burpees between the entire group
-1/2 mile run (but pax elected to just carry Cindy back home instead)
Praise: Shank finally moved into his own apartment yesterday!
No book club Friday as all Spartans will be on their way to FayettNAM.