1st F 05/09/2022 Zig Zagging at the Colosseum

QiC: Sakrete
Date: 05/09/2022
Title: Zig Zagging at the Colosseum
Number of HIMs: 7
Bogey, Cheddar Biscuit, Mr. Miyagi, R-12, Tutti Frutti, Wash-out

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

15 LBAC forward and reverse
15 over head claps IC

Tha Thang:
Grab a Cindy.
Run through the laid out course to make sure everyone knew the route and to ensure YHC put exercises where they needed to be. Spoiler alert… I didn’t

Starting point would be the road by the flag. 50 tri cep extensions with Cindy. Leave block. Then PAX began at tree by flag. After completion of that exercise PAX would zig zag through the grass to different trees where YHC had placed a portion of the wienke. All reps were 25 unless noted in the weinke. PAX had option to replace one exercise in the round with 50 monkey humpera

1st tree- Hand Release Merkins
2nd. Jump Squats
3rd. 10 burpees
4th. Flutter Kicks- 2 count
5th. Lt Dans (lunge lunge squat= 1)
6th American Hammers ( because we don’t do anything Russian) 2 count
7th 2 count mountain climbers
8th Carolina Dry Docks

Run back to block straight down through the grass.

Rinse and repeat until time called
Stow Cindy

10 Nolan Ryan’s each arm

Prayers for R12s (Fro Zones also but he wasn’t there) Grandma who had hip replacement at 84; Prayers for Door Jam injury; Prayers for Spartan Beast participants

Take on the Day!