QiC: Cheddar Biscuit
Date: 03/02/2022
Title: Tutti’s dreaded box
Number of HIMs: 7
Cheddar Biscuit, Door Jam, Mr. Miyagi, Pergo, Sakrete, Tutti Frutti
Number of FNGs: 1
Name of FNGs: Shank
– Plank with disclaimer (dive through, roll back on calves)
– 10X slow squats w/ hold at bottom
– 25 SSH
Tha Thang:
4 cones were set up in a square shape with 35 yards in between. Pax then partnered up , YHC stayed lonely because Washout did not come.
Partner 1 ran the perimeter of the box while the other partner completed the exercise at that corner. Partner 1 and 2 then flipped and partner 2 ran. Both partners then advanced to the next corner, performing an exercise while they traveled. Exercises were:
Set 1:
Corner 1- Diamond merks
Corner 2- OHP W/ Cindy
Corner 3- Wide merks
Corner 4- Curls for the girls, with the girl, Cindy
Traveling exercise- Lungs
This set was performed twice^^
Set 2:
Corner 1- Hindu squats
Corner 2- Bonnie Blairs
Corner 3- Sumo squats
Corner 4- Monkey humpers
Traveling exercise- bear crawl
This set was performed once by most, DJ and Myagi got 1.5.
Title for this exercise comes from Tutti’s deep hatred for bear crawls and for using the wet field, so of course, I included both.
Welcomed FNG, shank is his handle, named by his golf game.
– Book clubs available Wednesdays from 6:30-7:30 at Just Love. Also, Friday’s from 12-1 at McAlister’s.
– Bogeys root canal this morning.