QiC: R-12
Date: 02/28/2022
Title: To Climb The Ladder You Have To BE THERE!
Number of HIMs: 5
Bogey, Fro-Zone, Mr. Miyagi, Pergo, R-12
Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:
A lot of easy stretching with Spartan race mumblechatter and fartsack trash talk! I guess you could say you just had to BE THERE!
Tha Thang:
A cone ladder was spread out over 160 yards with 8 cones marking the rungs of the ladder. If you are not sure what it looked like it’s because you had to BE THERE! An exercise was performed starting at the cone #1 with x5 reps and increased by x1 as you moved up to the next rung of the ladder. When we arrived at the top of the ladder we mosey / walked back down and back up to our Cindy to start the next exercise. Probably sounds confusing but it wasn’t, IF YOU WERE THERE!
Some completed x4 rounds, a couple were too busy talking to catch the leaders. Oddly enough, FroZone even after resting this weekend was not able to beat our Respect Pax: Pergo who lead the way even after completing the Spartan Super on Saturday. But once again, at least FroZone WAS THERE!
Exercises completed:
1) Squat Thrusters w/ Cindy
2) Flutter Kicks w/ Cindy Press
3) Gas Pumpers w/ Cindy Press
4) 8 count man makers w/ Cindy
It really was a pretty light workout out with ample opportunity for modifications as needed but YOU HAD TO BE THERE!
We had NO FLAG because well, It wasn’t THERE! We took a group pic to verify the few, the proud, the brothers that actually posted.
Pledged to a flag somewhere because ours was kidnapped by the Pillow Bandit, We got sidetracked by mumble chatter for a short time, FroZone numbered us, we did a Namarama with kinda burpees, and prayed. R-12’s prayer was confusing for some after the previous music selection and then we trash talked the FART SLACKERS some more. It was pretty funny but, YOU HAD TO BE THERE!!!
Trademark pending on the term: Fart Slackers! It has a nice ring to it