1st F 01/21/2022 Staying dry …

QiC: Radar
Date: 01/21/2022
Title: Staying dry …
Number of HIMs: 5
Betty Crocker, Gumbo, Octagon, Sweet -n -low

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Phelps, TTT's, Imp Walkers, Hillbillies, arm circles and chinooks, followed by a short mosey around the parking lot.

Tha Thang:
Tabata style under the stadium breezeway (out of the rain and wind).
Five stations
1. OHP and Tricep Ext (with Cindy)
2. Flutter kicks and Dollies
3. Merks and Superman
4. Monkey humpers and Al Gores
5. Am Hammers and back-bridges (pickle-pushers)

Each station has 2 exercises, each exercise was done twice (4 total). 20 sec exercise/10 sec rest.
Move to next station. After each set, we ran varying loops of the parking lot.

2.5 sets were accomplished. Finished with 2 x 30 LBC's

Pledge, pray.

Convergence is postponed until 1/29 because of weather considerations tomorrow.