1st F 01/05/2022 Back lot beat-down

QiC: Brady Bunch
Date: 01/05/2022
Title: Back lot beat-down
Number of HIMs: 1
Brady Bunch

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

21s — silent count to 21 side-straddle hop. Penalty since we didn’t finish in cadence.
Hillbilly walker x 15 which made us look like red necks
Indian run aound back lot – 0.5 km (1/3 mile). Staying in front of the pack was hard.

Tha Thang:
20 of each:
Air squat
Bonnie Blair 4-count
Merk 4-count
Hello dolly 4-count

Then indian run around the lot

Then 15 of each
indian run
10 of each
indian run
5 of each
indian run

Flyover was in effect, so 5 burpees

Then since nobody was looking (or reading) 1000 burpees at the end just for the fun of it.

Prayer for marriages and churches in our circle