1st F 12/22/2021 F3STIVUS for the R3ST of us

QiC: Betty Crocker
Date: 12/22/2021
Title: F3STIVUS for the R3ST of us
Number of HIMs: 8
Betty Crocker, Bogey, Cheddar Biscuit, Guppy, Mr. Miyagi, Pergo, Sakrete, Tutti Frutti

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Plank with disclaimer and 10 Merkins
Motivator from 8
Michael Phelps while reviewing 5 core principles
T^3 * 10 IC
Don Quixote * 10 IC

Tha Thang:
F3STIVUS is a counter-commercialism holiday popularized by Seinfeld. It consists of an unadorned Aluminum pole in place of a Christmas Tree, an airing of grievances of the past year, and feats of strength. There are also seemingly perfectly normal events that can be claimed as a F3STIVUS miracle. The first miracle was that YHC did not have a spare aluminum pole at home and was just going to skip this tradition. But when retrieving Cindy's, there was an aluminum pole laying right next to the Cindy's and tires. It's a F3STIVUS miracle!

Airing of grievances would be done during Tabata routines. 30 seconds on, 15 seconds off/transition, 9 rounds per set.

Tabata Set 1: Upper Body
Tricep Extensions
Overhead Presses
Repeat each 2 more times

Grievances were aired, mostly by YHC about all of the Colosseum differences from the Pooler OG AO.

Feats of Strength 1: Last Man Standing – Upper Body
To complement the upper body Tabata, we would circle up with Cindy spaced to allow for us to do Abyss Merkins. In clockwise rotation, 1 pax does 1 Merkin and then next PAX and so on. Increase to 2 Merkins after 5 cycles, and up to 3 after another 5 cycles. Cheddar Biscuit proved that youth aids on feats of strength and outlasted us all.

Run down and back to the 3rd light pole – ~200 yards round trip.

Tabata Set 2: Lower Body
Bulgarian split squats
Bulgarian split squats – other leg
Jump squats with Cindy
Repeat each 2 more times

More grievances. Mostly about being jealous of Bogey's shirt taking off attributes.

Feats of Strength 2: Last Man Standing – Lower Body
Monkey Humpers. In another F3STIVUS miracle (as in no one was shocked by this), Bogey won.

Run down and back to the 3rd light pole

Tabata Set 3: Core
Oblique side bend with Cindy
Oblique side bend with Cindy – other side
Straight Leg Deadlift with Cindy (watch your lower back, good form)
Repeat each 2 more times
Guppy showed up to Colosseum about halfway through this. Apparently it was unclear that Colosseum a) starts at 0500 and b) is NOT at the Pooler Stadium.
Grievances aired about the confusing schedule across our region.

Feats of Strength 3: Last Man Standing – Core
American Hammers – won by Guppy. Though he was basically fresh, so he gets an asterisk next to his name in the record books.

F3STIVUS miracle 3: We did burpees because Guppy was late. He was so late that we had to do 20 burpees. It was a miracle the Q didn't call for more.

Pergo was on fire with the innuendo jokes today. Sakrete was quick to offer advice on not getting hurt solely based on his previous methods of getting hurt. Tutti helped demonstrate that we are all insufficient by doing American Hammers while sitting on Cindy. Cheddar made the R3ST of us feel like we are about 20 years older than him. Except Mr. Miyagi, he was hanging with Cheddar the whole way. Bogey kept his shirt on and didn't make eye contact during Monkey Humpers. As a result, he did a solid 20 seconds off Monkey Humping after everyone else had already dropped. Was nice to see Guppy if only for a little bit. He totally redeemed himself by sharing some delicious homemade cranberry bread with us!

Countarama, Namearama, Pledge, pray, Bourbon Exchange (BC to Bogey), and Coffeeteria … Joined by Honker and Sweet n Low from the OG.

Prayers for Sakrete's son after a head injury yesterday, but praise that it wasn't worse than requiring 2 staples.

Praise for Cheddar getting the all clear to start with the Air National Guard soon!