QiC: Guppy
Date: 12/03/2021
Title: Friday Shuffle
Number of HIMs: 5
BigBrother, Two Pack
Number of FNGs: 2
Name of FNGs: David Stewart— F3 Big Bird, Kyle Payne — F3 Boomer
20 ea. IC
Through the tunnel
Imperial walker
Moroccan night clubs
Hairy rockett
Walking tin man
Tha Thang:
Run .5 mile
100 merkins in a round
20 LBC -IC
20 4 count squat -IC
Run .5 mi.
20 Carolina dry dock oyo
20 Freddy Mercurys ic
20 4 count squat ic
Run .5
20 incline merkins oyo
30 flutter kicks oyo
Lunge to the end of the sidewalk
Run .5 back to flag
Finish with bear crawl ring of fire
We welcomed to FNG’s today. F3 Big Bird and F3 Boomer
Prayers for f3BigBrother and his family moving at the end of this month
Pledge of allegiance