1st F 06/29/2021 Running in a sauna

QiC: _Not Registered
Date: 06/29/2021
Title: Running in a sauna
Number of HIMs: 6
Betty Crocker, DQ, Honker, Mr. Miyagi, Pergo, Sweet -n -low

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Pullups and rope climbs in the backlot

Tha Thang:
6 Pooler PAX chose the uncomfortable thing
Despite the humidity, they still went running
Some shirts some skins
Burpees for the win
By 630 am, Siri said we'd closed a few rings


Burpee Breakdown:
20 burpees at the start stations, mid-circle station (new), and final station. 10 burpees at each of the other normal 8 stations, 140 burpees total.

Pledge and Lord's Prayer