QiC: R-12
Date: 05/27/2021
Title: Finding Nemo
Number of HIMs: 4
Bogey, Honker, R-12, Two Pack
Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:
Some stretching prior to the 0515 start
Tha Thang:
A follow the leader style obstacle course that started at the Football Stadium and wandered pretty much everywhere except the Frisbee Golf Course. Along the course we traversed bleachers, explored every playground and multiple types of monkey bars / rock walls, random swing set bars etc, climbed every rock and picnic table we came across, jumped fences, climbed up and across a field goal post, ran along the dirt wall by the YMCA, got in some balance beam & 1/2 wall jumps, and of course Honker helped us make time for some dead hangs and a couple sets of pull ups. BTW don’t challenge TwoPack on pull ups because you will lose! All in all about 3 miles were covered and a rolled ankle for Bogey so mostly a success.
Lord’s Prayer