1st F 05/17/2021 Change up your routine

QiC: Doughboy
Date: 05/17/2021
Title: Change up your routine
Number of HIMs: 11
Betty Crocker, Doughboy, DQ, Flat Tire, Gumbo, Honker, Portabella, Quikrete, Radar, TPS

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

6” Disclaimer, Flutter Kicks(I/C), 6” Core Pricipals, Hello Dolly (I/C)
Plank, MG (I/C)

Tha Thang:
Circle of Pain= Wonder Bra with Blocks, Curls for the Girls, Tricept Extensions (I/C)
Round 1- 25yd dash with block, 5 blocked, 25yd dash 10 inclined merkins, 25yd dash squats with block on back, leave block and turn around. 25yd dash 5 burpees, 25yd dash 10 diamond mekins, 25yd dash 20 squats, suicides until 6 comes in.
Round 2- same as before but sub in 10 BB Sit-ups for diamond merkins, and 100yd sprints until 6 comes in.
Rounds 3- Rinse and repeat Round 2
Finally- 10 burpees for 2 flyovers and a broken block.

Pray for Norm to recover and return to us.